a character analysis essay using “Trifles”

write a character analysis essay using Trifles. A character analysis is more than a character description. It considers a complex character’s

motivations and how conflicts arise from those sometimes-conflicting motivations, and it also analyzes how a character’s personality and growth (or lack) help convey the ideas and themes of the work as a whole.

Choose two characters from Trifles to compare and contrast, using specific examples (key lines/scenes, etc.) from the play to support your claims about the characters.


● This essay is for a general academic audience.

● Essay should be 1000-1250 words (approx 4-5 pages) – include the word count at the end

of your essay – and written in MLA format, with a Works Cited page. See MLA info at:

http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/ .

● You are not required to use sources, but any sources used must be documented.

● Remember this is a character analysis so use the literary terms in your analysis and not just your own personal adjectives about the character.

● Always use specific passages to back up your discussion since doing so offers more opportunity for close analysis.