ACOL 314 Women Rights: Women Driving in Saudi Arabia

Assignment Brief

Module code and title


Assignment title/No.

Research Proposals – Midterm

Grading percentage

20 % Report + 10% Presentation

Deadline/ Hand-in

Assignment description:

As a group you are to write aresearch proposal (a quali-quantitative approach) for researchtopics that you will be conducting inthe finals.

Learning Outcomes:

1. 1. Demonstrate understanding of the different research approaches.

2. Relevance of the research methods for addressing the research objectives.

General Rubric:

5 % Technicality

5 % Literature Review

10% Methodology

10% Presentation and Defense

Tasks to be covered:


2.Literature Review/ SecondaryResearch

Clarity of adopted objectives and the extent to which these are closely related to your research topic.


Relevanceof theresearchmethodsforaddressingtheresearch objectives.

The stages intheinformationcollectionare clearlyoutlined and rationalized.


  • Presentation

The presentation should be supported by visuals and will be graded separately.

Referencing your work:

Harvardreferencingisrequiredwhenusinganybook,article,journalor onlinereferencesintheassignment

Plagiarism and cheating:

Your attention is drawn to the University’s stated position on plagiarism. THE WORK OF OTHERS THAT IS INCLUDED IN THE ASSIGNMENT MUST BE

ATTRIBUTED TO ITS SOURCE (a list of references and bibliography must be submitted).

Ensure that you read through your work prior to submission. For some assignmentstheUniversityPlagiarismdetectionservice‘Turnitin’couldbe used. Action will be taken where a student is suspected of having cheated or engagedinanydishonestpractice.

Students are referred to the University regulations on plagiarism and other formsofacademicirregularity.Studentsmustnotcopyorcolludewithone anotherorpresentanyinformationthattheythemselveshavenotgenerated.

Assignment Submission:

Written assignments should be submitted as a soft copy via the moodle.

Note: Late submission by one minute will be considered a one-day late submission, which will cause a loss of 10% for each day