Cinematography, Sound, and Editing Worksheet

Resource: University of Phoenix Material: Cinematography, Sound and Editing Worksheet.

In all cases, when there is a worksheet, the word count minimum given in the section heading is for that entire section, not for each individual question in that section. Please be sure to read “W2 Grading Info.”

Enclose all direct quotes inside quotation marks, do not copy and paste text from anywhere into any assignment without citing your source and enclosing direct quotes inside quotation marks. All outside sources mentioned in an academic assignment require source citations, including films. Both intentional and unintentional plagiarism are in violation of the “Student Code of Academic Integrity” (attached).

Here is the APA formatting template for a reference page citation for a film:

Producer, A.A. (Producer), & Director, A.A. (Director). (Release Year). Title of motion picture [Motion Picture]. Country of Origin: Studio


Kennedy, K. (Producer), & Zemeckis, R. L. (Director). (1985). Back to the future [Motion Picture]. U.S.A: Universal Pictures

I have attached the worksheet and thank you for your time I tip really well for great work.