Critical Thinking Essay

The Book is Hutchinson, E. (2017). Essentials of Human Behavior: integrating person, environment, and the life course. (Second edition).

In chapter 14 we are introduced to James Marcia, within the realm of Theories of Self Identity.

I am going to give you a case scenario to work with that will include Marcia and Erikson’s perspectives.

First you are to address A, then B, and then C in this APA formatted paper.

This means you will have an APA cover page, and an APA reference page.

You will use the textbook on your reference page,

as well as TWO other creditable sources for EACH theorist.

This means you will have a total of at least 5 Creditable sources on your reference page. If you do not have 5 creditable references, deductions will occur.

Erik Erikson is a developmental psychologist and psychoanalyst known for his theory of Psychosocial Development. Erikson is addressed throughout this book and his psychoanalytic theory identifies a series of eight stages in which a healthy developing individual should pass through from infancy to late adulthood.

You are to read and research Erik Erikson’s theory on “Development During Young and Middle Adulthood”. Erickson’s 8 stages . Additional research will be required to ensure a comprehensive understanding of this theory.

James Marcia is a developmental psychologist who expanded on Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development. His research and writings have largely focused on adolescent development. His work was to identify and classify processes that adolescents go through when they experience identity crises.

You are to read and research James Marcia’s theory on the Four Identity Statuses. Marcia’s 4 Identity Statuses are listed on page 447, however, additional research will be required to ensure a comprehensive understanding of this theory.

If you are not familiar with APA guidelines you may contact the Writing Center on the Dothan campus for direction and guidance.

If you do not include an APA formatted Cover or Reference page deductions will occur.

Make sure you proofread, then proofread, then repeat proofreading before you submit.

0.5 will be deducted for every 3rd grammatical error.

Contractions are grammatical errors.

This assignment is worth 10 points.

Instructions: Read the case scenario below and answer the questions that follow. Your entry will be evaluated for clarity, integration of information from the text and scholarly literature, and for evidence of proofreading. Answer ALL questions. Due:

Rolando is the first born and only son of Luis and Maria and the hope of their family name. Luis has plans for Rolando to go into this new family business, and looks forward to the many grandchildren that Rolando will give to the family. Rolando has great respect for his parents, family and tradition and always wants to please everyone. Rolando wants to attend college and is struggling with his identity.

  1. You are their case manager. What areas of concern do YOUsee for Rolando and his parents?

After you state your concerns, back them up by providing examples from the case study that explain why you are concerned. Connect the dots for me!

You must provide 3 valid statements of concern. (3 x .25 = .75)

You must provide 3 valid explanations of why you are concerned. (3 x .25 = .75)

What are the possible ramifications/consequences, or pros and cons associated with your 3 valid concerns? This sections requires that you employ critical thinking skills.

(6 x .25 = 1.5)

  1. Erikson’stheory: Address the following 4 stages from Erikson’s 8 stages and talk your way through how each stage applies to this case.

What are the concerns? What are potential outcomes? Discuss with me what you are thinking regarding each stage. Explain your reasoning for each.

(1 Intimacy vs (2) Isolation – 1 point

(3) Generativity vs (4) Stagnation – 1 point

As reported in the textbook, “Robert Kegan asserts that there should be another stage between middle adulthood and adolescence in Erikson’s model. He suggests that before working on psychological identity, early adolescents face the psychosocial conflict of affiliation versus abandonment.

In respect to Rolando and his family, how would Kegan’s stage apply? 1 point

Explain your response in paragraph form.

In respect to Rolando and college, how would Kegan’s theory apply? 1 point

Explain your response in paragraph form.

  1. Marcia’s Address the following 4 stages from Marcia and talk your way through how each stage would or would not apply to Rolando.

What are the concerns? What are potential outcomes? Discuss with me what you are thinking regarding each stage. Explain your reasoning for each.

  1. Identity Achievement – 1 point
  2. Foreclosure – 1 point
  3. Identity Diffusion – 1 point
  4. Moratorium – 1 point

You are to explain how Erikson’s, Kegan’s and Marcia’s theories apply to Rolando. You should be able to express your thoughts and statements in a paper that is no less than three pages. If you submit a paper less than three full page’s deductions will occur. Put yourself in the theorist’s shoes and explain the connections, or lack there of through each perspective.

.5 deduction per 3 grammatical errors. (Contractions are grammatical errors.)

1-point deduction for every 2 days late.

.5 deduction if cover page is not APA

.5 deduction if reference page is not APA

You must have 5 creditable APA references with one being the textbook. (.1 x 5 = .5)

Make sure your references are APA formatted in order to earn full credit.

5 mins ago

