Discussion post

It is 2 separate question so answer need to separate as well. Minimum of 100 words per question.

1) Emotional Regulation.ppt View in a new window (Please use this PowerPoint to access the movie links)

Choosing Appropriate Discipline The book introduces the challenges in parenting that can occur when teaching children about self-regulation. In this discussion please address the difficulty in teaching appropriate ways to display anger in both boys and girls. I will also ask students to watch the Emotional Regulation Powerpoint and please
comment on at least 2 of the video segments. We spend considerable time telling people what not to do when they are angry, but much less on what is appropriate behavior. How should a child apologize when they are wrong? What is an appropriate way to express anger that actually works? We often tell children not to cry, pout, hit, yell, or act out their anger. We send them away, ground them, or punish them by hitting them for being angry and not reacting appropriately.

What do we teach children to do about anger? Besides trying to stop them from acting the way they feel, how can we teach them to act when they do feel angry. How do we How do we suggest they mange their anger, besides hoping they never get angry. Consider how you handle your anger. Do we yell, scream, rant, drink, pout, spend money, use bad words, or act out in some way? Did we learn how to handle our anger as children? Have we learned anything since? Also how well are you, or will you do,in teaching children you care about to act when they are angry? Please take a moment to think of a child you know or make one up. You can also use yourself, just don’t tell the class. The post should include a description the background of a child, include gender, age, and any other relevant information such as learning disorder or family stress. Please continue by listing some suggestions for appropriate anger management and self-regulation. Include information on how you are managing your anger and if you think you are effective at teaching these ideas. Minimum of 100 words.

2) Intelligence & Optimal learning Environments The chapter asks students to consider the alternative approaches to cognition by theorists including Piaget & Vygotsky. Before identifying the best approach to teaching, it is helpful to remember that there are so many ways to measure and define intelligence. A key principle in these discussion boards is attempting to avoid using anecdotal experience to just give advice, but trying to remember what it feels like to experience something personally. In the board about obesity I tried to have the class focus on their own behavior. In the board about learning differences I tried to have the class avoid the role of “advice givers” and focus on brain development. In this board, students are asked to choose any 3 “intelligence” tests. The critical idea is not that any of these tests are professional, reliable, or valid. Still, they measure different concepts in different ways. What kinds of thinking and memory process are included in your definition of intelligence? What kinds of students would learn best in what kinds of situations? Students are asked to complete the following list of steps:

1. Select and take any 3 online, or informal, intelligence tests. The point is NOT to criticize the tests, because they are all free, informal tests. The point is to think about how different tests might define intelligence. 2. Responses can address any of the following questions, but students MUST USE AT LEAST THREE VOCABULARY WORDS FROM THE TEXT. What do you think is different about how the tests measure intelligence? Did any of these test measure intelligence more or less effectively and why? Do you feel that different types of intelligence would be more successful at metacognition and metamemory? Phonics vs. whole language? Do students use all of the different aspects of intelligence equally or do they need different abilities for different tasks? As always, try to remember that personal insight is important, but there also needs to be factual examples and empirical data relating to developmental concepts in your chapter to earn full credit. Some of these tests are pretty entertaining, so try to remember that they are just to illustrate how differently we define intelligence as a society. Minimum of 100 words

IQ&Personality Tests http://www.davideck.com (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Majon’s Online IQ Tests http://www.majon.com/iq.html (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

PsychTests.com: Intelligence, Logic, and Memory Tests

http://testyourself.psychtests.com/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Fun Education’s “Know Thyself” IQ Test

http://www.funeducation.com/Tests/IQTest/TakeTest.aspx (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

http://www.selfgrowth.com/test.html (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Self Discovery Workshop http://www.iqtest.com/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

International High IQ Society http://www.iq-test.com/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Uncommonly Difficult IQ Tests

http://www.eskimo.com/~miyaguch/hoeflin.html (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Queendom.com Queendom offers the largest online battery of professionally developed and validated psychological assessments. A pioneer and leader in online testing, Queendom has served more than 250 million tests in nine different languages. http://www.queendom.com/tests/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.


http://www.allthetests.com/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

IQ Test Labs

http://www.intelligencetest.com/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.