English Discussion Board Peer Review, Very Easy

Peer Review Prompt

  1. Identify one important strength of the essay (2 pts).
  2. Assess the clarity of the essay, including its organization, sentence clarity, and logical progression of ideas, and make at least one specific suggestion for improvement (5 pts).
  3. Assess the accuracy of the essay, including the accurate identification of the speaker with their title, when applicable; explanation of the purpose of the speech and its relevance to world events; the speech maker’s main claim; and the summary of the speech’s key points. Make at least one specific suggestion for improvement (5 pts).
  4. Assess the quality and clarity of the points of opposition to (critique of) the speech, and make at least one specific suggestion for improvement (5 pts).
  5. Assess the technical craft of the essay and make at least one specific suggestion for improvement in the following areas. If, in your careful evaluation, no improvements are needed, give your peer props (3 pts).

– MLA Paper Formatting

– MLA In-Text Citations

– Introducing and Referring to Authors

I have attached my peers’ essay below. Write a review as a discussion board and submit it to me.