Grand Canyon Spirituality in Health Care Scientism Reflection Paper

write a reflection about worldview and respond to following:

  1. In 300 words, explain the Christian perspective of the nature of spirituality and ethics in contrast to the perspective of postmodern relativism within health care.
  2. In 250-300 words, explain what scientism is and describe two of the main arguments against it.

Read “What Is Scientism?” by Burnett, on the American Association for the Advancement of Science website (2018).

Read “The Role of Spirituality in Health Care,” by Puchalski, from Proceedings (Baylor University Medical Center) (2001).

Read “10 Things You Should Know About Scientism,” by Moreland, on the Crossway website (2018).

Review both “Faith and Spiritual Decision-Making in Health Care Professions” video messages to RN to BSN students from Dr. Lisa Smith and Dr. Maria Quimba, from the College of Nursing and Health Care Professions.