I need one respond to classmate. keep it in less formal way and friendly, like a regular talking in class.

I need one respond to classmate. keep it in less formal way and friendly, like a regular talking in class.

Thread: Do you think you’ve observed an example of sensory preconditioning?

In terms of sensory preconditioning, this is when there are 2 stimuli are presented together that help us make sense of things we seem to like or dislike for no apparent reason. i think this might be an accurate example. An example of this would be when I go to chipotle I always get chicken and black beans in my bowl. Well when I got sick from chipotle, the chicken got me sick and for awhile, I would always associated it with the black beans too and I stopped eating those too even thought it wasn’t what got me sick, the chicken was undercooked. I rejected things with black beans because of the association with the chicken.