I want to write essay about the voices from the fields in a 5 paragraph

The teacher want us to write about the voices from the fields first of all title to the essay and then in paragraph one is the introduction we have to write a hook and the explain the hook and the background of the book and then we most answer the question 1. what is the title of the book ? 2. who is the author of the book ? 3. what is the book about ? 4. where and when does the story take place ? 5. why is the book important ? 6. why are the characters important ? and then thesis and the at the end of the thesis we most talk about the three main problems that we are going to talk about and i chose 1 Not eligible thing for housing 2 . aways from home 3. working at a young age. that is the introduction

body 1 the main problem is Not eligible things for housing and the three problems that goes with it are main point 1. bathroom main point 2. no heat main point 3. small house and at the bottom i give you the steps that you have to do for each main point.

  • Topic Sentence:
  • Transition + Main Point #1
    • Specific example / quote from text (pg #)
      • Explanation of why the example/Quote supports your main point.
  • Transition + Main Point #1
    • Specific example / quote from text (pg #)

Explanation of why the example/Quote supports your main point.

  • Transition + Main Point #1
    • Specific example / quote from text (pg #)
      • Explanation of why the example/Quote supports your main point.
  • Possible Conclusion Sentence body 2 The main problem was away from home and the three main point are 1. missing family 2. separate from parents 3 homesick at the bottom i give you the steps that you have to do for each main point.
  • Topic Sentence:
  • Transition + Main Point #1
    • Specific example / quote from text (pg #)
      • Explanation of why the example/Quote supports your main point.
  • Transition + Main Point #1
    • Specific example / quote from text (pg #)

Explanation of why the example/Quote supports your main point.

  • Transition + Main Point #1
    • Specific example / quote from text (pg #)
      • Explanation of why the example/Quote supports your main point.
  • Possible Conclusion Sentence Body 3 the main point like the big problem is working at a young age main point one is 1. being to tired main point 2 . working long hours. main point 3. not having alot of time to school and then at the bottom are the steps that we have do however first we talk about the big problem and then we talk about the main point and we do the steps
  • Topic Sentence:
  • Transition + Main Point #1
    • Specific example / quote from text (pg #)
      • Explanation of why the example/Quote supports your main point.
  • Transition + Main Point #1
    • Specific example / quote from text (pg #)

Explanation of why the example/Quote supports your main point.

  • Transition + Main Point #1
    • Specific example / quote from text (pg #)
      • Explanation of why the example/Quote supports your main point.
  • Possible Conclusion Sentence
  • Concletion . choose an ending transition and connect it to a restatement of your thesis in a different words . summarize the main ideas in first body paragraph in 2 sentence. summarize the main ideas in second body paragraph in 2 sentence. summarize the main ideas in third body paragraph in 2 sentence. write a suggestion and advice you might make the readers or characters in 2 sentence . Make a prediction about the topic in 2 sentence. The pictrues that i send you are the explain of the teacher essay that she wrote .