ITSE1411 DCCCD Project 1 Create An Interactive Web Application



Objective: Use string functions, number functions, regular expressions, the date object, the ternary statement, a switch statement and debugging techniques to create an interactive web application.


  • Copy lab3.html to a new page called project1.html. We will be modifying it in this project.
  • Modify the external JavaScript file with the following:
    • Add a function to get the current date and time. Write the date on the page in a user friendly format. Use a switch statement to write an appropriate greeting based on the time. For example, “Good Morning”, “Good Afternoon” or “Good Evening”. Call this function before the trivia quiz.
    • Copy the Quote of the day array from lab 2. Generate a random number between 0 and 4 and use that to display the quote of the day on the page.
    • For the trivia quiz, convert the answer entered by the user to lowercase and the array answer to lowercase to compare both.
    • After you write out the score on the page, calculate their percentage by dividing their score by the total points possible (9). Use a number function to round it to 2 decimal places and display the percentage to the user.
    • Add a function that prompts the user to enter an email address. Use a regular expression to validate it. If not a valid email address, display an error. If valid, use string functions to split the address based on the @. Convert the first part (username) to all uppercase. Display the username and domain separately. Call this function from the main script before the trivia quiz.
  • Be sure to link the external JavaScript file to the web page.
  • You may add any other content and functionality that you choose to the program.
  • Use the debugging techniques from the book to correct any errors in your code.
  • Upload your files to the server. Test and submit the assignment.
Lab Requirement Point Value
Create a Web page named project.html. You can format the page any way that you like

5 points

Create an external JavaScript file and link it to your page 5 points

Create the date function to get the current date and write it to the page in a user friendly format.

10 points

Use a switch statement to write out a greeting based on time.

15 points

Add the quote of the day using a random number

10 points

Use a string function to modify the case of the trivia answers. 10 points
Calculate the scoring percentage and use a number function to round it to 2 decimal places. 10 points
Prompt the user for an email address and use a regular expression to validate it. 15 points
Use string functions to split the email address into 2 parts: username and domain, and display on the page 15 points
Upload to the server and submit the assignment

5 points


100 points