Paper work

Hi there,

i need to do this work below about the topic : The crime of the Congo.

Part FOUR: Primary and Secondary Source Research
1. Find at least six relevant peer-reviewed books and scholarly articles, relevant to the source(s), the author(s), or the event(s) covered by the source(s). These secondary sources must be from printed books and journals, namely scholarly, biographical, detailed works, written by professional historians and which closely examine the rulers or their times). [Journal articles may be full-text versions from an appropriate database, such as Academic Search Premiere/EBSCOhost. N.B. make sure you use full articles, not abstracts or book reviews.]
2. Make identification copies of your sources to be handed in (you may/should also make fuller copies for your own research purposes). For books, use the title page; for journal articles, the first page of text with the article’s author and title.
3. With the information you have researched, fill out the Form for Primary Source Evaluations about the primary source(s) on which you are writing. Cut and paste the form’s questions into a word processor. More information on the sources can also be found on the pages linked from <>.
4. Create a pre-bibliography listing each of your sources, in proper presentation format, with the appropriate sources you have collected so far listed under the following subheadings: “Tertiary Sources,” “Secondary Sources,” and “Primary Sources.” You will get some extra credit for having more than the required minimum sources, (four tertiary, six secondary, your two primary), depending on their quality. The tertiary sources from your previous assignment should be part of the “Tertiary Sources.” You should also use any sources (including a full edition of your source(s) if any) on the pages linked from <>.
This assignment will be evaluated both on the quality of references and the accuracy of bibliographic formatting. Use the checklist here <> to make sure you have followed the instructions.
4. Submit your assignment in the proper presentation format of (1) a title page followed by; (2) your completed Primary Source Evaluation Form(s) on your given source(s); (3) the Turabian/Chicago format pre-bibliography (for a sample click here), and then; (4) the identification copies (title pages of books or first pages of articles) of only the secondary sources in the same order as listed in that section of the pre-bibliography.

For a sample assignment click here.