Political Science Research Methods

Answer the following questions and submit as a Word document.

Independent and dependent variable must be based on political issue. For example, it could be GUN CONTROL OPINIONS AND GENDER


  • Choose a dependent variable on a political issue or question. Write down the variable name as listed in the database and an explanation of the variable. List the values of that variable, and whether it is measured at the nominal, ordinal or interval level.
  • Choose an independent variable, and write down the variable name as listed in the database and an explanation of the variable. List the values of that variable, and whether it is measured at the nominal, ordinal or interval level.
  • Choose a control variable, and write down the variable name as listed in the database and an explanation of the variable. List the values of that variable, and whether it is measured at the nominal, ordinal or interval level.
  • Write a hypothesis explaining what effect you think this independent variable would have on your dependent variable, while controlling for your third variable.