thesis and organization

I upload my paper. follow the instruction.

Workshop Deliverable: Thesis, Organization, and Annotated Bibliography

Every week in preparation for Workshop Day, you will be assigned an activity to complete in the form of a Workshop Deliverable, which you must have available in hard copy and be prepared to present in order to participate in that week’s workshop and in order to be counted present for the day and receive the points for the deliverable.

For this first workshop, we will discuss your working thesis and organization and where you are in your research process.

The deliverable for this week is as follows:

Remember that all of the above must be in hard copy. If you bring in electronic copies (on your computer, etc.), you will not be allowed to participate in the workshop.

In workshop you will read and discuss each other’s work. You will focus on the following goals:

  • Does the thesis encompass the entire scope of your paper and supply a “map” of the rest of your work?
  • Does the outline follow the map laid out in your thesis?
  • How is your research shaping up? Are you finding solid, credible support that clearly relates to and supports your stakeholder positions and your compromise?