topic 7 Q1, Q2, psychology homework help

Q1 –

Consider three jobs you know well, using the big 5 model from the course textbook of personality, explain the personality traits necessary for each job (e.g., police officer; openness-moderate, contentiousness-high, extraversion-moderate, agreeableness-low, neuroticism-Low). After examining these three jobs, can you see why you may or may not have been a good fit?

Q2 –

Consider three jobs you know well, using the big 5 model from the course textbook of personality, explain the personality traits necessary for each job (e.g., police officer; openness-moderate, contentiousness-high, extraversion-moderate, agreeableness-low, neuroticism-Low). After examining these three jobs, can you see why you may or may not have been a good fit?


Brown, Steven; Lent, Robert. Development and Counseling – Putting Theory and Research to Work. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2013.