Workplace stress

Part 2: Application
Evaluate how effective the article’s argument was using Toulmin’s model. Detail as many of the 6 components as possible:

  1. Claim: What was the article’s main point? What’s the thesis?
  2. Grounds: What kinds of evidence did the author use to support his/her argument? Provide an example.
  3. Warrants: Did the author(s) successfully connect the evidence to the main point? How so?
  4. Backing: How credible were the sources the author(s) applied? How does credulity affect your overall response?
  5. Qualifiers: Did you notice any absolutes (all, every, each) or limiters (some, several, many)? How did they add or subtract from the argument?
  6. Rebuttal: Did the author(s) present any points of opposition and counterarguments? How did it influence your reaction?

Note: If a section is missing completely from an article, spend of time discussing how its absence affects the overall success of the argument.

How will you apply a similar approach in your pro-position papers? Based on this assessment, what must you include and what can you avoid in your own argument development?