Writing a research paper

FInal Research Paper

Final Paper Assignment

History 201


Recent events remind us that legal discrimination can end long before historic and cultural discrimination in American society. Stereotypes, or assumptions about people based on their color among other things, last a long time. On June 17, 2015, a white racist youth went into the historic African Methodist Episcopal (AME) church in Charleston, South Carolina, and murdered 9 African American parishioners. He said that he did it “for white people.” At the time, people were shocked that such overt racism and racial violence still existed. But, at a eulogy for the pastor of the church, President Obama said, “For too long, we’ve been blind to the way past injustices continue to shape the present.” Historians and social scientists have always known this, but it is their jobs to connect history to the present with evidence.

This project follows a very particular line of history reasoning where the past is connected to attitudes and ideas in the present through the concept of stereotype. You will want to look at historical events or processes in the past that helped to shape stereotypes, prejudices, or attitudes of a majority about a minority that have created legacies we have to deal with today. (1.) You want to describe and explain these historical events with primary and secondary source evidence. (2.) You want to make an argument about how that shaped or contributed to a stereotype about the minority, again using primary and secondary sources. (3.) You want to use secondary sources and descriptions of events today that demonstrate the legacy of the historic events and stereotypes.

Question: What has been the lasting legacy of the historic racist experiences of these American minorities–African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, or Native Americans?

Source Requirements

  • Use 10 sources or more for this project: at least 5 primary sources.


  • Write 4-6 pages approx. 1000-1500 words
  • Project Profile will be due on Feb 22nd. Project Profile includes a 1-2 paragraph description of topic you are researching, why you have chosen this topic, and the question you are answering. It should be followed by a list of at least 5 sources you think you will use for your final draft.