Feedback discussion

Read Angwin’s “Why I’m Unfriending You on Facebook” and Foer’s “How Not to Be Alone.” And feedback these 2 with examples.

no Plagiarism. No citation.

1. In “why I’m unfriending you on Facebook” the thesis for this is the information we share with “friends” on social media and our bios is being passed to the public without any consent. What used to be private and secure is becoming less and less what we think.

In “How not to be alone” the thesis for this is how human interactions have changed. Foer talks about how it was easy for him to distract himself with his phone in order to put his emotions aside and potentially cheer up the woman that was crying. His thought process that went into either talking to the woman or not talking to her was easily adverted when he turned his phone on.

A common cause that both these papers have is that social media and technology is changing the way we interact with people. In “why I’m unfriending you on Facebook” Angwin talks about how he communicates with his close friends, and family which is by email, texting, and phone calls. Which is similar to what Foer is saying when he talks about how technology is making it easier for people to communicate.

Another common cause would be that the more time we spend on the internet and on our phones, the less time we have to make a real connection with someone. In “why I’m unfriending you on Facebook” he talks about having 666 friends on Facebook, some of which are his actual friends and some he doesn’t know and he intends to delete all of them. This is similar to Foer’s “how not to be alone” because he talks about how easy it is to disconnect yourself from someone even if they’re your friend.

One unique cause about “why I’m unfriending you on Facebook” is when Angwin discusses that the more we are on our phones and the internet the less privacy we have. People don’t think about it when they post something on social media, how far that can travel and who can see it. Even your friends list is exposed to anyone who may be interested.

A unique cause I found about Foer’s “how not to be alone” is that because we are becoming more and more disconnected with our emotions, where is the world headed. Foer brings up the question, “but what futures would I dismiss out of hand for my grandchildren?” When you think about this it can be quite scary, all the advancements we have seen just over the past 20 years. Who knows where we will be in another 20 years.

2. The thesis for “Why I’m Unfriending You on Facebook” is that Facebook presence is important, but it cannot provide an acceptable level of privacy. It also does not protect you or your Facebook friends.

The thesis for “How Not to Be Alone” is that being attentive to other people’s needs is becoming obsolete with the advances in technology and social media; it is a substitute for human interaction and attentiveness.

The first cause that shows up in both articles is that they both talk about social networking. Although, they really seem to be talking about opposite ends of the spectrum; “Why I’m Unfriending You on Facebook” discusses the lack of privacy on social networking and “How Not to Be Alone” discusses how social media and technology keeps us from being empathetic and attentive to people’s needs. The second cause that I see in both articles is the lack of human interaction, more so in the “How Not to Be Alone” article.

“Why I’m Unfriending You on Facebook” focuses on how the lack of privacy on Facebook can affect you. Things that you would normally do with friends offline can be readily available for people to see in your Facebook without you even knowing. A Facebook group that you belong in can show up as public information, which you may not want people to know about. Also, people can add you to their groups without your permission.

“How Not to Be Alone” focuses more on the progression of technology and social media. Our involvement in social media began with us wanting to connect with people who we haven’t seen in years or that we don’t have contact with face to face; it was created to be an improvement on social media, but has become a substitute for personal interaction. It also talks about how we use technology to save our time, but we end up losing time or it takes away the preciousness of that time.