report 1

Robots and AI are able to do more and more complex jobs. Critically discuss the pros and cons of the growing technology advancement for workers and organisations.

Suggested readings:

Chao, G. T., & Kozlowski, S. W. (1986). Employee perceptions on the implementation of robotic manufacturing technology. Journal of Applied Psychology, 71(1), 70.

Ford, M. (2015). The rise of the robots: Technology and the threat of mass unemployment. One world publications.

Rotman, D. (2013). How technology is destroying jobs. Technology Review, 16(4), 28-35.… 20130802_How_Technology_is_Destroying_Jobs.pdf

Rotman, D. (2015). Who will own the robots? We’re in the midst of a jobs crisis, and rapid advances in Al and other technologies may be one culprit. How can we get better at sharing the wealth that technology creates? MIT Technology Review, 118(4).

Upchurch, M. (2018) Robots and AI at work: the prospects for singularity. New Technology, Work, and Employment . Online first.

Van Reenen, J. (2011). Wage inequality, technology and trade: 21st century evidence. Labour economics, 18(6), 730-741.

West, D. M. (2015). What happens if robots take the jobs? The impact of emerging technologies on employment and public policy. Centre for Technology Innovation at Brookings, Washington DC. file:///C:/Users/Maria69/Downloads/ Whathappensifrobotstakethejobs_Theimpactofemergingtechnologiesonemploymentan dpublicpolicy.pdf