IAH 211C Tying Everything Together

Assignment # 10Task: Reply to this topic

650-700 words.


Works Cited required.

Prompt: Pick one of the analytical categories.

Complete the readings assigned to that category.

Think about the following questions to help you to tie together everything:

  • How did your self-selected category affect the lives of people in Chicago?
  • What similarities are you able to identify in these sources and the previous ones?
  • What overall point can you draw from all the similarities (without generalizing)?

All formal writing guidelines apply!

P.S: Use the Chicago City of the Century episodes to properly couch your chosen category in the context of the times

Link to articles:

https://www-jstor- org.proxy1.cl.msu.edu/stable/Query=Chicago+Social+Workers+and+Blacks+in+Progres&seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents




http://www.shoppbs.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/chicago/filmm…Chicago City of the Century

**I have also attached a required article, please cite it as well**