Information Technology Case Memo

Case Memo – Due on Saturday by 11:55pm Pacific.

For this case memo – please write a case memo for one of the following cases:

City of Pittsburgh – OR – SurveyMonkey

Please DO NOT choose the same topic that you wrote your critical analysis on earlier.

You will need to write a Case Memo for the company using the Case Memo template provided in this course.

Please write this ONE PAGE Case Memo as if you are writing this with modern technologies and solutions being used in 2019. In this Case Memo, please address the following:

  1. If you were going to make an investment in new technologies – would you recommend moving forward? Waiting? Why?
  2. How much more do you think you should spend for potential solutions?
  3. What are the key benefits for your recommendations?.
  4. What do you believe the requirements for the investments in architecture to support your vision?
  5. Please include supporting materials in your Exhibit.

Please submit this Case Memo in Sakai as a Microsoft Word or PDF document under the Assignments section “Case Memo – City of Pittsburgh – OR – SurveyMonkey”.