Natural Resource Competition Protecting The Earth Research Paper

What is the best strategy to ensure that natural resources remain legitimate components of sustainable economic development? In other words, what would you argue is the best way to utilize natural resources to advance and enhance not only economic development and wealth accumulation, but human rights, human wellbeing, and environmental stewardship?

This formal writing assignment gives you the opportunity to explore some of the varying, competing perspectives related to a specific natural resource competition scenario of your choice. At the core of this in-depth analysis, you will compare and contrast – and ultimately weigh in on – those differing perspectives. The objectives of this assignment are: (1) to hone your ability to find reliable, substantive, authoritative, peerreviewed, scholarly journal articles via the library’s research databases; (2) to enhance your ability to carefully and critically read, evaluate, and analyze those sources and the various perspectives they establish via a comparisoncontrast strategy; (3) to come to some overall appreciation of the value and utility of scholarly sources when it comes to writing a research paper; (4) to improve your ability to clearly articulate your opinion via a well-crafted, robust argument/thesis statement; and (5) to watch for and carefully manage ethnocentrism (in your sources, as well as your own).

I have attached the full description of the assignment and the grading critiria