Novel summery

Please make sure follow all the instruction.

You need to write two paragraphs from Puzo’s novel, pgs. 162-276

    • Introductory paragraph:

    1. Introduce the larger work itself as well as the subject of your focus. This is the only time you

    will use summary in your post. Be sure to describe relevant information to provide

    context for specific discussion of the topic to be explored.

    2. Construct an original and suggestive thesis statement. This is your chance to offer an

    interpretation of the text based on your ideas and connections. To do so, establish an argument for interpretation – i.e., you need to explain meaning and not just describe it. In other words, address the significance of your point, or what is often referred to as the “so what” question.

    • Second paragraph:

    1. Topic sentence that introduce the sub-topic of your thesis. Be sure to introduce the scene you are about to discuss.

    2. Claim that advances your thesis.

    3. Evidence to back up claims. Support or illustrate your central assertions with specific quotations from the text. Explain what makes you believe as you do and offer that evidence as support. Quotes must be contextualized and integrated into sentences, and fully analyzed. Include only the necessary parts of the passage to be quoted and avoid block quoting.

    4. Analysis of evidence—interpret the use of language, symbolism, imagery, etc. (What is the significance of X or Y?) Be sure to reference the visual components of the narrative in your discussion.


    In Mario Puzo’s novel The Fortunate Pilgrim, Lucia Santa a single mother due to the unfortunate luck of both of her husbands, is left to raise six children all on her own. All Lucia Santa wants is to maintain her traditional Italian values and be respected. Her children all carry personalities that at some point or another test Lucia Santa and her raising style of an Italian family without a father. These children take on roles that aren’t necessarily for them to take, but because of the absence of a father figure in the home of the Angeluzzi-Corbo they find themselves not having much of a choice. As some children are more mature than others such as Octavia and Larry we see them having a little more responsibility in the beginning of the novel but as things change with the older children as time moves on we see that eventually even young Lena and Sal have to grow up too. As the novel progresses we see how the lack of a father figure effects not only Lucia Santa but also her family as a whole, more specifically Larry Corbo Lucia’s desire for tradition and respect from Larry is something that she struggles with throughout novel collectively.

    Larry Corbo is a very young and handsome man who Lucia Santa raised the best way she could, but the respect and tradition that Larry has learned from his mother takes its own spin in Larry’s personal life as the novel progresses and he grows older. Larry was once young, immature, handsome, and a lady killer but as Larry grows older in the novel he becomes mature or so we think and still maintains his handsome style he had from when he was younger. But now Larry is in this “union” with the bakery and also seems to be very nonchalant in instances towards his wife. The beginning of the novel we see Larry having to be the breadwinner of the family because of his father’s absence and always trying to take care of defending his siblings whenever he could make do. He also disgraced his own family with his affair with la Cinglata and didn’t uphold tradition that Lucia Santa raised him by. Now he is in the mob which is poorly enough not much of a great thing, but the desire to always feel secured when it comes to income plays a major role to Larry because even as he is older we still see him giving money to his mother or for that matter ensuring he has enough money to take care of his own family. Ironically enough for Larry to be such a good Italian man he soon reveals the he isn’t the most faithful husband either to his wife Louisa who he seems to treat not in the worst manner but very nonchalant when he addresses her feelings. Larry as mentioned didn’t want to leave the railroad because he had been working there a while and after having started his family he realized a few things “the railroad only gave him work three days a week”(185), “he did not want the job [di Lucca’s], could not conceive of giving up his eight years seniority in the railroad” (187), and upon accepting the job “Larry accepted the money and card… This was twice the money he earned in the railroad, even full time” (188). At this point in time we see how crucial money is to Larry. Despite him not really wanting the job at first, upon receiving his first pay from di Lucca he automatically compared it to what he makes at the railroad. Clearly money is somewhat of an issue and importance to Larry even Guido knew and follows to mention to Larry that “In two years you got your own house on Long Island.”(189). Larry’s mother held him to the standard of breadwinner which is the father’s typical label but Larry had this and now in his own family whether he realized it or not he definitely was now a breadwinner. Consider how long his mother had been saving to even dream of moving to Long Island and imagine that in only two years he would be there versus his mother saving up most of his own life to live there. In the stance of Larry’s whom he treats nonchalant from time to time we soon find out he is unfaithful. “Lorenzo go after her, bring her down something to eat, Lucia Santa said. Larry had folded his arms. ‘Like hell I will,’ (153). Quite odd for a husband not to go after his wife after he has upset her which is odd, even Lucia Santa urged Larry to go but he didn’t. The nonchalant attitude toward his wife explains why he eventually does cheat on her which we later find out “Larry was delighted that Louisa and the children would have company, while he, animal that he was, chased young girls starved by the war”(275). Clearly Larry isn’t so mature despite him being not a young boy anymore but a grown man. The tone and mood when it comes to Larry and Louisa throughout the novel is always a little off because he behaves in such a way that wouldn’t shout Italian husband because he doesn’t show much of any affection to her, he does give her children but it is more so for her company rather than his it seems.

    Work Cited:

    Puzo, Mario. The Fortunate Pilgrim. The Random House Publishing Group, 1964

  1. Use clear and precise topic sentences that introduce a specific thesis or argument
  2. Contain accurate and verifiable information about the text (not opinion or misreadings) and addresses all aspects of the assignment prompt
  3. Draws appropriate and adequate material from the text to validate general statements
  4. Performs an insightful synthesis (melding claims with evidence)
  5. Introduces quotes or paraphrased materials and avoid plagiarism
  6. Conforms to MLA in text citation protocol
  7. Contains few or no lapses in grammar and mechanics