Roles of Rhetoric Criticism in Literature Assignment

Minimum 5 pages

  • 5 sources in bibliography, including at least one peer reviewed academic journal such as the Quarterly Journal of Speech, Critical Studies in Media Communication, Women’s Studies in Communication, Journal of Popular Film, Journal of Communication, etc.
  • Format your paper according to one of these style guides: APA, MLA, or Chicago
  • -Develop a rhetorical criticism paper using one of the methods of criticism (Cluster, Fantasy Theme, Pentadic, Metaphor)

    -As part of your research, find an article that uses the type of critical methodology that you are using for your project

    -If the paper is an argument, envision the coding and description you provide in the paper as evidence, or support of your argument. Your critical essay will include five parts: IntroductionDescription of your method of analysis Report on the findings of the analysis Conclude with contribution to rhetorical theory