World Religions

THIS IS A humanities CLASS

Please read the requirements carefully before want to help thanks NOTE I DON’T NEED THE CHART BACK just answeres these questions carefully

  1. Please print the attached two page World Religions chart.
  2. Set up a way to time yourself with a clock, stopwatch, etc.
  3. Without consulting ANY outside sources, including your textbook, fill in as many blanks in the chart as possible until you can no longer do so without consulting your textbook or internet.

Then answer the following questions for this week’s assignment: NOTE I DON’T NEED THE CHART BACK just answeres these questions carefully

  • How long were you able to write before you could no longer fill in any blanks?
  • What did you learn about yourself from this exercise?
  • As a college student and citizen of the world, why do you think this exercise is important?